Cheerleading is a team-based sport that involves stunting, pyramids, baskets, tumbling, jumps and dance. It was initially started in the USA, and now its the fastest growing sport in the UK. Why? Because it’s fun! To perform a Cheerleading routine you need to be able to throw someone in the air then immediately do your gymnastics tumble pass. You need to have a variety of skills to compete a routine – and this variety means the sport is always exciting!


Competitive Cheerleading is a very athletic sport, that does not involve pom-poms (like American Football Cheer). It involves competing a high-energy, two and a half minute routine at competitions across the country (and abroad!). Teams compete against other Cheer teams and a panel of judges score the routines, to decide the rankings.


Pyramids are a form of stunting, but are done as a large group where they flyers are connected. 


When we refer to tumbling, we mean gymnastic type skills like cartwheels and back handsprings. 


Stunting is where two or more individuals that lift another cheerleader in to the air. 


Everyone can! 

One of the reasons we love the sport at BCC is because of it's inclusivity; you don't have to be good at every aspect of cheer, you don't have to fit a certain body type, and you don't even have to have started it when you were very young. We accept all athletes aged 6+ regardless of age, ability, gender, and identity. It is an inclusive sport and some of our best athletes have had struggles in school, or started when they were teenagers, and a large number of our athletes over the years have had ADHD/ASD/Dyslexic etc diagnoses. It truly is the sport for everyone :)