Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question that you are too afraid to ask?

Don't worry - We have collated the most popular questions for you.

How do I find you?

Please see the map to the right. 

Byrne Ave Baths is located on the corner of Byrne Avenue and Old Chester Road

To find the sports hall, enter through the main door and turn right, follow the corridor around past the cafe, down the stairs/ramp and through the double doors into the main sports hall, you will find us on the left hand side

Byrne Ave Baths

Off Old Chester Road, 

Rock Ferry, 

CH42 4PQ


What do my monthly fees go towards?

Your monthly fee pays towards the rental costs of our venue, monthly bills, all training costs including coaching costs are included. As well as athlete, coach, equipment and PL insurance.

The only extra costs we have are our competition uniform (approx £100), cheer shoes, and any training kit that you choose to purchase - this is not compulsory. ​


How much is cheerleading going to cost me per month?

Recreational Cheer - £30 per month

Competitive Cheer - £60 per month

BCC Membership - £50 per year 

As part of the articles of business we have to charge a membership fee for all members of BCC. This one off yearly payment is due 1st September each year and covers many incidental costs such as athlete insurance, SportCheer England membership, athlete t-shirt etc.

Are there any additional costs for cheer?

For competitive squads there will be additional fees to enter competitions. These are communicated at the start of the season, and are spread out as much as possible. Competition fees cover entry into the competition for the athlete as well as additional costs incurred such as admin costs, coaches passes, and coaches travel where appropriate.



Who can I contact when I have a question?

​For new athletes and parents/guardians, our public facebook page and email is the best way to contact us.

For existing athletes and parents/guardians of the club our private Facebook Group is best as there are lots of people who may have the answer. For the more major updates, an message will be sent in the relevant FB group team chats and an update will be placed on the “news” section of this website. ​If you wish to discuss something personal with the director, please email

Are there any rules regarding Social Media usage whilst being a member of the club?

All social media usage by athletes and parents alike must be positive, and reflect the club in a good light. This is throughout all Social Media platforms, BCC Facebook groups, and anonymous forums. Please check out the Code of Conduct on the documents page, which all athletes and parents are expected to abide by.



Why do we compete?

The main reason we compete is to have fun, and to show off how hard we have worked! Competitions are the highlights within our season and a clear, focused goal for all our athletes. Our main aim at each competition is to produce a Zero Deduction routine (known in these circles as Hitting Zero). Any trophies or accolades we win are a complete bonus. 


How many competitions are there in one Season?

Our teams compete in 4-5 competitions each year. The cheer season runs from August to July, with our first competition usually being in late November and our last being late June.


What is Hitting Zero?

Hitting Zero means that the athletes perform their given, choreographed routine with no mistakes or errors, earning them Zero Deductions from the judges. We always strive to achieve this at every competition. 

Whereabouts are the competitions held?

We strive with our regular competition schedule to ensure proximity to Wirral, to remove the necessity for travel and accommodation costs. For example, this season, the bulk of our program are travelling to Leicester, Manchester and Sheffield


Are competitions mandatory for all athletes?

Yes - all athletes in a BCC competitive squad are expected to commit to all competitions for their squad in a season. We do not authorise absences for a competition unless in case of emergency, which is judged on a case-by-case basis. 


Training and Attendance


How often does my athlete train?

Beginner athletes will train once a week for 1.5 hours. 

All competitive athletes train with their team twice a week, for approx 2 hours at time, depending on their age group. 


Do the athletes train in the school holidays?

We close for two weeks over Christmas reflective of the Wirral school holidays. During the half-term breaks and over the long Summer break, we run a condensed timetable. 


What are RED weeks?

Red weeks are the six weeks leading up to any competition where attendance at cheerleading training is mandatory with no exceptions. This is to allow us to maintain productive sessions throughout this crucial time. Any athlete unable to attend a red week training session, for whichever reason, may be removed from their team for the upcoming competition to allow their teammates to train. 


Extra Training 


My athlete needs a little extra help in perfecting a skill, is there anything I can do to help that?


Yes! Our coaching program put on a number of private classes each week. All athletes can book a 30 minute private for £15 to work on their skill set that they wish to improve. This needs to be booked in advance so that we can arrange hire of the venue. Small groups of up to 4 can arrange a private group lesson at a cost of £20 for 30 mins

Cheerleading in General 

What elements are there within a typical cheerleading routine?

Within cheerleading, we perform acrobatic stunting, gymnastic tumbling, jumps and a short dance section. No, there is no Pom-poms or “cheering”! 

What are the various stunting positions?

There are several different stunting positions and no single position is stronger than another. Over the course of an athlete’s time within cheerleading, they will probably find themselves having held all roles at some point. Backspots focus on stability and safety of the stunt, and are often the tallest. Bases work in partners and are usually equal height to one another, use their strength with great technique, are reliable, and have great stability. Flyers are often the shortest in the squad, have brilliant performance skills, great flexibility and are fearless. 


How are athletes assessed for a team?

New athletes are invited for a trial, following discussions with either themselves or their parent (age depending) into a team that coaches feel they’d be a good fit for. They will be informally assessed during the session and then made a firm offer if we feel that team would be a great fit for them. We look at their tumbling and their stunting skill set, if they have previous experience. We do not place athletes where their friends are or where their skill set does not compliment the team - we want every athlete to feel like a shining star!